Monday, March 10, 2008

Creating my Personal symbol

My personal symbol has always been the alphabet P even my signature. So When was asked to design a personal symbol, the idea came up right away.

First, we are required to use Adobe illustrator to create simple shapes of a symbol that represents ourselves using the tools we learned from CG1 class. So this entire symbol was created using the Pen Tool and Polygon Tool.

The question mark was drawn first as it is more complicated and the stroke size were adjusted to fit. Then comes the green and then blue entirely from the Pen Tool. Colors were later put in according to my preference.

The green bar which has some kinda spiky effect crystallize tool, whereas the curly effect at the end of the blue bar were done with the Twirl tool. It represents an ocean wave as I said in my previous post. Calm and cooling breeze, that's what the color blue depicts.

The end comes the Buddhism symbol. It is done using many types of Rounded and Eclipse tool that forms the symbol. Color and stroke size were later add in.

Lastly, I used the stylize effect to add shadows to the symbol to make it look as though as it is standing out.

There came my personal symbol, simple but carries alot of meaning to it and everything is personally related to my life.

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